Thiscurrent Premier League season of 2016-17 isthe debut of Jose Mourinho as the head coach of Manchester United and after 11 matches, they are sitting at the 6th spot.

The start of Manchester United’sseasonstarted off in a positive way as theymanaged to claimconsecutivevictoriesoverBournemouth, Southampton and Hull City.
Thingshoweverbegan to fallapartforJose Mourinho and hissquadstartingfromSeptember 10 whentheylost 1-2 to theirrivals Manchester City and fromthereonout, JoseMourinho’steamjustappeared to not be thesameteam as thestart of theseason, itappearslikethisdefeatagainsttheirrivalshaveshookthem.
Following their defeat against Manchester City, Manchester United has dropped a significant amount of points after losing 1-3 with Watford and a few days later suffering an overwhelming 0-4 defeat against Chelsea while only being able to secure draws against Stoke City, Liverpool and Burnley.
Despite all of these fairly underwhelming results, Zlatan Ibrahimovic believes to know what is going on and why his team has been playing at such a mediocre level in recent times and the Swedish attacker believes that it has to do with Mourinho still not being able to find the balance, which might be a difficult thing to do especially in a club like Manchester United that has a large age range with some players being 20 years old and others being 35.
‘’We have a mix of ages, experienced players, young players, the quality is there. Every day that goes by, the more you get to know each other and it becomes like a family. You know what you need. I know what I need to do to get the maximum out of my team-mates and the same thing on the other side; they know what they need to bring that out of me.The pieces are there, we just need to put the puzzle together’’ Manchester United’s Ibrahimovic said.